Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2/24 Project Update

Ok, so I've finally, finally decided on what two projects I will be working on and have taken steps to begin work on these in earnest.

Project 1:
ING Unsung Heroes®
This grant is for teachers who are doing innovative/inspirational work in their school communities through their teaching and outreach. The grant is for $2,000 to continue to fund/supplement funding on their work.
Client 1: Davis Elementary School - Montgomery, AL (Teacher: Theresa Marshall)
Program: Theresa has started a program to increase the literacy rate of her underpriviliged second grade students. She began implementing her program in the 2008/2009 school year and has seen significant strides in the literacy rates of her second grade class compared to other second grade classes within the same school. Not only is 90% of her class exiting the second grade reading on grade level, but 40% of those students are reading on a fourth grade, or higher, reading level. Central to Theresa's program is the Parent Literacy Program. Theresa performed research for her thesis (Master's in Primary Education) that showed that students whose parents were, themselves, functionally illiterate did not perform at level. It is her mission to not only teach the gift of language to her students but to their parents as well, so that they may enjoy the rewards of literacy together.
So why this project? I am personally involved in this project...that's why. Theresa Marshall is my cousin and we went to school together and graduated together. I edited her thesis and thought that her research on determining adult literacy rates as compared to their children's was good work and tough to perform as she did her own polling using her own students. I also provide her classroom with a "private donation" at the beginning of every year to get all her kids their own personal book to HAVE and to keep as their own. She's been working to expand her program to the other two second grade classes in her school but can't get her principal to approve extra money for it, as the school is already in disrepair, the State of Alabama has a large education budget shortfall, and funds are in the midst of getting cut. While we were both fortunate enough to be born to the right parents and in the right school zone, 57% of Montgomery, AL's school children are in failing schools. This program will give those children one less thing to be self conscious about compared to "those kids from the East Side."
Progress: To date, I spent the last week in Montgomery, AL watching the program in action. I needed to do this to really get a good feel for how the program works, what it brings to the student, to their parent, and will ultimately bring to the community as a whole. Being able to see this was invaluable and makes me feel fully invested in the work that I am attempted to do for this school. As is evident, I've found the RFP that I will be responding to, I've had good first meetings with the "client" and will continue to meet with her to check and adjust as I go along. So far, I feel really good about this...once I actually find a cause or something that I feel is worth it to me...I tend to work quickly and passionately to meet goals...expect me to move fairly quickly on assembling a package for this grant.
Project 2:
Lowe's, International Paper, and National Geographic Launch Outdoor Classroom Grant Program
This grant is for a school or school district implementing an outdoor classroom that provides hands-on opportunity to learn about natural resources through science education. This grant ranges up to $20,000 (goal).
Client 2: Loveless Academic Magnet Program (LAMP) High School - Montgomery, AL (Teacher: Kathy Graben)
Program: Mrs. Graben is attempting to reimplement a class that was previously in the LAMP advanced placement curiculum - AP Environmental Sciences. This program would introduce qualifying juniors and seniors with the specific knowledge about environmental sciences. The curriculum would include studies in soil sampling/testing, surveying, air quality sampling/testing, water quality sampling/testing, water chemistry, aquatic biology (for purposed of water quality), and environmental data collection. This program will lead to increasing knowledge about the importance of conservation and environmental vigilance, while teaching students specific knowledge about sampling techniques and data collection that will benefit them areas of study outside of environmental sciences.
So why this project? I'm a LAMP alumnus (LAMP SHADES!) and I took AP Environmental Science in 2000/2001 with Mrs. Graben. The school decided to cut the program when funding began to get cut. But because LAMP is the crown jewel in the Alabama education system, LAMP enjoys more funding than many other schools. However, the administration at LAMP decided to put all funding in to "proven" scholastic (and a few artistic) ventures. Those programs that didn't receive funding are being allowed to exist so long as they find their own external funding. So external funding here we come...I think this class is so valuable because of my own personal experience with. I learned sampling techniques and data collection techniques that no other student in the system was learning...this gave us a leg up when it came to Scholastic and Science competitions where sampling was imperative to discovering issues quickly. But more importantly, this outdoor class gave me a chance to stretch my legs and run as a leader. It, and specifically this teacher, brought me out of my shell and showed me that expertise in an area that others might not value is STILL valuable and taught how to lead, present, and be proud of the myself and my knowledge. And all this while teaching me ways to be cognizant of the impact that I do have and can have on the environment.
Progress: I've made the same progress on this project that I've made on Project 1...but like I said, once I find something that I can really back, I move on it...and I love LAMP and I love Mrs. Graben and think the program she offered made LAMP a more rounded place to be...LAMP shouldn't just be graduating kids who can tell you entire histories, or do high-level calculus in their head...LAMP should also be teaching those kids that they can affect the world in EVERY way.
My self-imposed layoff from work this past week was worth it...I found projects I could really sink my teeth into, got back to my roots and my family, centered myself again - and all I had to do was quit my job...and I feel good about it...
PS...no worries, I was immediately hired by another department at my company that had been wooing me for some time but couldn't get clearance to let me move over...quitting gave them the ability to hire me...no longer an intracompany move that my management could block...FREEDOM! IT FEELS GOOD!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2/3 Post

Last week we talked about how a mission statement, in a way, is a thesis statement. A thesis is an opinion presented as a statement that needs evidence to support it. For your blog post, relate a single statement that serves to "manage change" as your primary thesis in your mission statement. What problems might a reader have with it? How will you mitigate those problems?

I don't yet have a cause to write a mission statement for, but I can imaging the first problem that a reader might have with the primary thesis already and it's the questions that ultimately seems to paralyze me. "Why do we (as in society, the world, and in particular my time and money) need this change?" And I don't know that I'll be able to answer that question. I can't truly believe any answer I would give about any "cause" that I don't have a personal stake in, or am patient about. And that's the problem that a reader would have...the unanswered WHY. And if I'm not patient or invested in the cause, I'll be dealing with an unanswered WHY also...

SO...how will I mitigate those problems...simple...I'll need to find a cause I can get behind; one that I'm willing to go to bat for; otherwise I might do what I do at work and give a resounding..."That's a great question...for some who cares."